Sharing Christ

So, I started a business.

(For some reason, I'm reluctant - scared, I guess - to call it a ministry, because I don't know what all that will entail - but that's truly what it it.  But anyway...)

It's called Quiet Time w/Christ, and it's a line of bible baskets, mugs, candles, journals, etc. to help people return to God by establishing Quiet Time w/Christ daily.

Well, I recently had some t-shirts made. They sat in the box for long time, but I finally reached in, got one out and wore it.

This particular one said, I 💗 My Quiet time w/Christ. And the reactions varied each place I went.

I have to admit, it's not easy sharing the gospel.

I felt self-conscious as people read my t-shirt, glanced away uncomfortably, asked to read it or said nothing at all. I felt like a big bullseye, saying "LOOK AT ME" and inviting critique. I also felt self-conscious because, I, too, struggle with making Christ first, and sitting with Him quietly each day to study the word and hear God's voice.

But one moment made it all worth it.

I wore my t-shirt to physical therapy  - I'm struggling with sciatic nerve pain - and the most blessed conversation broke out.

At first it was awkward.

I could see them eyeing my shirt, reading it, and wondering if they should say something.

I could see how uncomfortable it made them, and I immediately assumed they weren't Christians.

Wrong. They both were. And slowly, but surely they began to question me about my shirt and its meaning. It turned out that one woman's church group had been discussing the same exact thing - getting along with Christ and meditating on the word - but she didn't "know how to do it." Her mind, she said, wondered frequently when she tried. Or, there just wasn't time in her day - but she knew that ten minutes each night with God wasn't enough.

I shared as well -  that I struggle too.

But I also shared that when I do spend time with Christ, when I read my bible, when I pray, when I lay or linger before Him - it changes the direction of my day. Appointments start getting cancelled. Other things become clearer. My soul calms down, and my heart finds rest.

Then, the other therapist chimed in. She shared about giving God a blank page in our lives, and allowing Him to fill it in. She told an anecdote about a young girl who wrote out her life plan - college, husband, career , etc - then handed it to God and said, I'm going to let you fill in the blanks. You tell me who my husband is. You tell me what college to go to. You choose my career...

And God responded, "Who said you were getting married? Who said you were going to college? What career?..."

And so we talked about what real surrender looks like, how we give ourselves away to the Father who gave His only son for us.

And the conversation went on and on and on. It was amazing. And it all started with a simple t-shirt.

As Christians, we are called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, to witness about who He is, why He is, what He's done for us, and what He can and will do for those who believe.

Ministry is not just a calling for a select few. If we are followers of Christ Jesus, then we must live in communion and on mission with Him. Jesus gave us each a great commission in Matthew 28:16-20.

Now, most of us are familiar with verses 19-20, which says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen." 

But, if you read the verses just above it, 16-18, you'll notice that when Jesus gives this command, the disciples are with Him on a mountain worshipping. But, it also says  some were there who doubted. 

Now, the bible does not say anything specific about their doubt, but it's noteworthy that they were there. They came, even though they doubted.They showed up, even if they weren't sure it was truly Jesus appearing to them. They came out of obedience - with their doubts. 

And maybe that's how we're going to have to go. Doubting. Afraid. Unsure. Willing to be ridiculed. But also Prayerful. Hopeful. And Expectant - that if we show up, Jesus will show out. 

Know that I love you each, L. 


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